Rassegna Stampa

22 settembre 2019

British vets call for no-deal Brexit to be taken off the table

Fonte: thepigsite.com

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) is calling for no-deal Brexit to be taken off the negotiating table following detailed analysis of the potential impact on animal health and welfare.
The new position, agreed at BVA Council on 19 September, builds on BVA’s ongoing role in informing members and stakeholders about the challenges and opportunities presented by Brexit. BVA has not taken a position on leave or remain.

Commenting, BVA President Daniella Dos Santos said: “Our analysis of a no-deal Brexit found that there could be very serious consequences for animal health and welfare, trade, and our veterinary workforce. Although a lot of work has been done by Defra and a range of regulatory bodies to prepare, we are not convinced that enough has been done to mitigate the potential negative impacts.